温故知新:Seek the Past to Find the Future

Authentic Samurai aims to propagate detailed information related to samurai performance by fostering an international enthusiasm of Samurai, and connecting fans, professionals, and practitioners around the world to share their passion.

How to wear a Waraji

How to wear a Waraji

explain how to wear a waraji with pictures

Friction and Origami

Friction and Origami

Many of the traditional Japanese crafts make use of friction to keep its parts together. A popular example of this is the architectural method called Kumiki (組み木) which constructs shrines…


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Samurai Overview

Samurai Overview

Upon learning how to become a samurai, it’s always good to understand “which” samurai we’re talking about. By which, we mean, which era.  To stear clear of all the details…


How to Wear a Katana

  When we wear a katana, we put the scabbard through our sash with the blade pointing upward. (As a comparison, when we wear a Tachi太刀, its scabbard has a…